The Hot Topic of Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality

Our chat assignment this week was to read and provide pros and cons related to Chairman Pai’s proposal to dismantle Net Neutrality.  All this without becoming political:  pretty difficult to do.

First an understanding of what Net Neutrality is with the following Wikipedia entry:  “Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication.  For instance, under these principles, internet service providers are unable to intentionally block, slow down or charge money for specific websites and online content.”

This rule adopted in 2015 by the FCC protects against anti-consumer and anti-competitive practices of broadband providers related to all data and legal traffic traveling over the Internet.  If Chairman Pai’s proposal passed, it would enable broadband providers the ability to:
  • Block or slow traffic at their discretion
  • Charge extra for access
  • Play favoritism to their own content and services
  • Stop states from adopting related consumer protections
  • Be unregulated forcing customers to take complaints to FTC (a federal agency that has never enforced net neutrality protection) and do away with FCC recourse
I am 100% in favor of KEEPING Net Neutrality.  I will not get political but in reading the bullets above, it seems apparent to me why this proposal is in place.  However, this blog would be one sided if I did not provide the reasons those who are in favor of getting rid of it identify.
  • FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, argues current rules are too burdensome and stifle innovation and competition.
  • He believes the regulations keep broadband companies from wanting to build out Internet access to more parts of the country.
This is a hot topic.  If you search on Net Neutrality, you will find most articles talk about being against dismantlement.  My personal opinion:  if dismantled, broadband companies will not give the consumer more.  It appears at times that my speed purposely slows periodically so my concern is what happens when there are no regulations in place?
Be your own judge.  There are many articles out there to help you make a decision.  In the meantime, I hope this blog gives you a sense of what Net Neutrality is and how important it is to take a stand.


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